Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Frodo and Sam's Lunch at the Prancing Pony

Frodo and Sam are eating lunch at the Prancing Pony. Frodo's meat pie cost 3 bronze pieces (BP) and his flagon of ale 2 BP. Sam was famished: he ordered two meat pies, two flagons of ale and three apples at 1 BP apiece. Frodo has only 3 pieces of silver (SP) in his purse. One SP is worth 10 BP. How much money will Frodo have left after he has paid for their meal?


Big Ben said...

sam and frodo had 3sp and he spent 18 bp so he had 12 bp at the end

Pimp My Chard said...


What fraction of his money did Frodo spend on that meal?